Wishing there was an Australian, or even an International equivalent instituion or organisation

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I learned that social psychologist Jonathan Haidt has just acknowledged that boys are doing poorly, in this tweet. My commendations to both Richard and Dr. Haidt.


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I would like to offer some respectful criticisms, which are hopefully constructive. From what I have seen, Richard does not question feminism, which I think is a serious mistake. Feminism (and gynocentrism) explains why women continue to be exempted from military draft registration and conscription. Feminism and gynocentrism is why divorced fathers are denied contact with their children for years or decades. Feminists made death threats against research sociologists Suzanne Steinmetz, Murray Straus, and Richard Gelles, shortly after the three established that women perpetrate domestic violence as often as men do. Feminists in England protested efforts to help the boys that were lagging in school, so those efforts were discontinued. Feminists on Congress made sure that breast cancer gets vastly more funding than prostate cancer. Feminists in the Human Resources department at Rose Medical Center in Denver hired a surgical scrub technician named Kristin Diane Parker back in 2007, despite KNOWING that she had Hepatitis. I can provide many more examples, but this is a start. I hope this generates more interest and discussion around these topics. Thank you.

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Congratulations! We have a young man in our company who told me that the organization skillsusa.org was a lifesaver for him. It is not exclusively for boys, but sounds like an organization in line with The Institute's mission. www.skillsusa.org.

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Good to know about that. There are many female-only training institutions. As many of them are nonprofits, I would like to report them to the IRS. (Whether the IRS would actually do something about that is hard to say).

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Richard V Reeves

Richard, Very excited to get the official announcement and know the Institute is available for all. Your newsletter highlights work I've been focused on for many years, addressing, male-type depression and preventing male suicide. As you note, in the newsletter, males die by suicide at rates much higher than females at every time of life. What was once a problem, primarily for mid-life and older males, is now an increasing problem for young men. I look forward to supporting the Institute and helping spread the word. Our Moonshot for Mankind is bringing together organizations and individuals throughout the world who want to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of boys and men (which, of course, will also help improve the lives of girls and women, all of humanity, and the community of life on planet Earth.

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Great job!! Those are some really excellent developments and I look forward to your work helping the boys and men in my life!

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Richard V Reeves

Congratulations Richard! The issue of suicide in males has been one of my two prime issues of my 30 yrs in psychiatric practice. I am thankful you are the first person in America to start to highlight this issue on a large scale. I hope to connect you to your doppelgänger in the U.K., Dr John Barry of UCL and The Centre for Male Psychology there. Thank you!

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How about posting on Mastodon also. It is a distributed non-toxic version of Twitter

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Fantastic news! Congratulations to you, Richard, and your team on the launch of AIBM and also the amazing CBS piece that aired Sunday. The state-level commissions are so needed -- I hope the Washington Commission for Boys and Men is able to get off the ground, as well. I'm looking forward to seeing what important and amazing things you and the Institute will accomplish in the coming months and years.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Richard V Reeves

I'm so glad you drawing attention to these issues. I'm a Mother to two boys (15 and 13) and have often commented that its hard to raise boys in these times but had trouble pinpointing why other than it just seems like they can't win. Then I read Of Boys and Men. Wow! there it was all spelled out. I can't thank you enough for getting this message out. One of my boys struggles with mental health issues and we've got some supports in place but the system is a mess. I've shared your book and the issues it raises with his school. It wasn't on their radar but I bring it up as situations arise, such as academic awards programs that all awards were were presented to girls. Again, Thank You!

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I encourage you to also take a look at Warren Farrell's books "The Myth of Male Power" and "The Boy Crisis". I think you will find the information presented there to be helpful, as well.

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Grateful for you, Richard, and the good work you're going to do through the institute. It's so needed!

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