The division on the Right is between tradcons & actual traditionally minded men. It's not about Tate but about what he represents. A return to traditional gender roles or accepting the new, softer, socially constructed masculinity that Reeves et al foist on "boys & men."

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"In some of his videos, women are referred to as “bitches”. He believes that wives become the property of their husbands."

LOL Oh, Glory be!

The dogs will never comprehend they've been slighted by that juxtaposition. And dogs are far too forgiving to dwell on such a minor faux pas. I also believe that wives become property of their husbands, for the Bible told me so. Your metaphorical groveling before women, is unbecoming.

Hippity Hoppity women are property!

That's why they're given away at their weddings, in case you failed to grasp it.

The age of the Simp is over!

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Found the dude that will die a virgin. How lonely and pathetic are you little fella? My god.

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Have you ever noticed how simps often project the sexual insecurities which drive them to guard the female tokens of their neo-fertility-goddess worship against all revolt?

(e.g. "die a virgin ... lonely ... pathetic ... little") You can overcome those insecurities and become confident in your glorious God-like masculinity. These days I'm teaching my youngest son how not to be a simp. It really is liberating. The truth sets men free.

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Just love your son man.

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You're revolting.

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I see Tate as finally the male side having a radical male 'Maleist', similar to radical 'feminists' on the female side. For years, men had to pick between feminist vs feminist...now we get some Malcolm X level radicals fighting for male interests. Offensive? Sure...but so are many radical feminists to male interests and I dont see politicians pulling the red carpet for them. Just goes to show that we still live in a feminized culture with the female POV being the baseline.

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The male version of feminist.

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They do. Trump winning has made Democrats now caring and being concerned about males. You see? Evidence that extremist can only be fought by extremist, to archive balance.

Long life to Tate until femists is sbolish.

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Perhaps he is back to participate in the restoration of John Grudens name to the Buc’s Stadium Ring of Honor - or is the timing just coindidence?

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Not everyone hates Andrew Tate. Andrew Tate loves him a lot.

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The comments section never fails to disappoint here. Thank you to the men who are standing up to the likes of Tate.

Male grievance culture is an easy sell. It takes more calories to love than to hate. It takes more internal work to forgive than to yell.

People like PR here take the easy route and point and shout.

Takes a lot more introspection, work and discomfort to ask the hard questions...would you want Tate in a room with a woman/girl or man/boy that you love and value?

Tate says and does things that are abhorrent. It is not complicated. Using what aboutism doesn't change that fact.

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I wouldnt want a feminist neither in the same room than my boy.

When you say that is easier to hate than to love... Where you speaking about Democrats and feminists, ot Tate?

"Kill All Men" is still applicable? 🤔

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No, I actually like It. It is as extremist as feminist is. "Kill All Men"? Do you remember Reeves? Posted you something critisizing toxic feminism? No? Well, we need them Andrew Tate.

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Two wrongs don't make a right.

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I know this will not be popular take, but as someone who has watched some of his long form content, I felt more inspired to take a lot of my life, including workouts, faith, and self-responsibility more seriously than I have from watching any other “influencer” I can think of. I would be willing to bet you’ve never seen a full length interview with him, and are just writing about what other people write about him.

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If Tate is in fact guilty of human trafficking, the fact that he also created some inspirational motivational content is entirely beside the point.

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I have not seen anyone criticize Kamala Harris going to Call Her Daddy yet. I may have missed something but I"m still waiting. Tate is vile but doesn't hate men. The disdain people in the U.S. and Europe have for men is starting to spill over.

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>I have not seen anyone criticize Kamala Harris going to Call Her Daddy yet.

I don't know what this means.

>Tate is vile but doesn't hate men.

No argument here, but, to reiterate, if he is in fact guilty of human trafficking, this is rather beside the point.

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I loathe AT, but has he been found guilty of human trafficking? He has been under house arrest for two years without standing trial, I think.

Due process should apply to 'dirtbags' and innocent alike.

Why some on the MAGA right (or anyone else) should support him, I can't understand.

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He hasn't, hence the word "if". I agree that he is entitled to due process before the law just like everyone else.

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Apologies, I missed the 'if'

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The Tate brothers offer a message with enough truth and strength of delivery to capture the desires of many men. Most of the men you mention who have condemned the Tate brothers are men who at times lack the “balls” to take risks and challenge the status quo, with the exception of DeSantis.

Sorry, men need to see ruthless men challenging authority and women.

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Indeed. This is brilliant. The more toxic feminist is, the more Tates we need.

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Beyond all that, is the continuing message from this admin that crimes aren't really crimes if you have money, influence, and powerful friends. Makes me sick.

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Sorry, Richard, but why does it seem like you’re ignoring the elephant in the room? Whether conservatives are united or divided about the Tate brothers is meaningless, so long as there’s an implication (which there is) that the White House itself invited them back.

This act fits neatly into the administration’s “terrorize the libs” campaign, and sends the signal that men who abuse women should expect solidarity over legal consequences.

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Why not use direct quotes from Tate to describe him? Using someone's vitriol is not really fair. Yes, Tate can be vulgar, provocative, and over the top but he shares an important characteristic with others, including Jordan Peterson. He tells the boys they have VALUE. I am convinced this is why the young males are attracted to him. His message is that they have value and should take care of themselves. This is the opposite of what their teachers tell them, that boys and men are toxic. It is the opposite of what the media tells them, that there is something wrong with them. They have been starved for any positive messages and Tate, along with his rough manner, delivers that to them. Here's a video about the Australian Schools and their hysteria around Andrew Tate. https://menaregood.substack.com/p/extreme-misogyny-exposing-the-global

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From my read, the condemnation of Tate in this article did not come primarily in the form of other people's descriptions of his beliefs, but rather by pointing out that he is currently the subject of an active investigation into human trafficking. If you don't believe that a person guilty of human trafficking deserves condemnation, I don't know what to tell you.

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Telling boys they have value is what bothers some people. How dare you? Richard Reeves only care about boys insofar as how they will serve girls and women. It's the unifying thesis to everything I see from him. You won't see him profile anyone who is misandrist as that's not a possibility for him.

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Indeed. Richard is funded by Gates and It is liberal. We are just his puppets, he is playing with us to analyse where we stand.

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By glorifying this vile pathetic abusive loser you work counter to your stated goals. No one tells men or boys that they are bad. We tell everyone- girls, boys, men, women- that abusive men are bad. There is a clear difference. If you champion this kind of vile scum, I’m surprised you still have a license because you clearly lack ethics.

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Is everybody who sticks up for God's holy order of patriarchy "vile scum"? While I don't approve of everything Mr. Tate says or does, I will defend his right to say what he pleases, so long as he doesn't commit any crimes. And so far, nobody has convicted him of these crimes they so loudly accuse him of. He works with hoes consensually. All I hear is a bunch of simps groveling before womankind. Mr. Tates message is offensive to all those who worship women as the image of their goddess. LOL (1 Corinthians 11:7)

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He doesn’t really teach boys they have value unless said boys sign up for his courses. Otherwise the message is they are pathetic worms who deserve nothing.

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No, I get that Andrew Tate's message is empowering to young men, and I haven't signed up for anything online nor ever paid anyone a cent for their content. Y'all are going to lose your cultural battles to men like him if you ignore why he is so successful at reaching younger men who are tired of your incessant simping.

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I live in the SE US where masculinity is celebrated, feminism often reviled, and boys/men (if they are white) are worshipped, broadly speaking. You should see how some of these little bastards treat their mothers at Costco. I doubt any teachers in our public schools, or private ones for that matter, would have the temerity to denigrate the boys/young men in their classes. They could lose their jobs because the parents wouldn't have it. If young men are not getting "positive messages," why wouldn't we hold their parents, not the public, accountable for that?

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This is NOT the rule everwhere. In most parts the message is the contrary. There are even studies in Spain, Sweden that shows that teachers give less marks to males pupils than females counterpart. We need single sex schools again, but feminists blocks that. Disgusting.

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I received my secondary education at an all-girls public high school in the South. I'm all for single sex schools and I'm not aware of "feminists" being opposed to them at all.

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Co education was imposed by feminists and the left in most countries. They were the rule until the 70 in countries like Spain, Italy etc. Even in the XIX century, all were single sex schools. First wages feminists figth for co ed. In some countries still remains a bit of flexibility, but in most there is none. In Spain single sex were forced to become co ed to receive public funding.

You not being aware of does not mean It does not exist

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I did not mean to imply that it did not exist...just sharing a POV.

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From 90 to less an a half in Spain in 9 years. The law excludes single sex new from public funding. Feminist has different intensity depending on the country.

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These same folk seem to have no problem with Musk's Man/Child Masculinity and the example his ninjas set as boorish, super smart raiders of the middle class. Is Marko Elez Mr. Hawley's idea of a good man? How about Enrique Tarrio? Where does he fall in the spectrum of worthy masculine behaviors?

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The Atlantic articles did state that Ron DeSantis and other conservatives spoke against Tate.

It is also worth noting that Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, and Don Jr. platformed and elevated Tate. I wouldn’t call Elon the “fringes” of the conservative movement.

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We can all recognize the problems with Andrew Tate and the rise of outright misogyny, but we should not limit ourselves to condemnation. We need to understand the nature of the pipeline, and understand why people, and especially boys and men, look to Tate for guidance. That is the only way to reach out to those boys and men who are most alienated and feared, and improve their lives. Andrew Tate is easy to condemn, but it's much harder to generate sympathy with the people he took advantage of, and figure out how to help them.

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The feminist "Kill All Men" slogan may give you a clue...

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This line of thinking makes sense a lot of the time but you have to draw the line somewhere. Tate is an unrepentant pimp and abuser. He is the world’s most famous misogynist. At some threshold, the young men following him need to be assigned a little responsibility and agency for their choice to see the sum total of what he’s said and done, and the criticism against him, and weigh their choice to continue to follow him.

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Why you did not posted the same when feminist claime that they need to "Kill All Men"? Wasnt that toxic? Promoting the genocide of 48% of the population is not toxic enougth?? Made you any post about It?

Then, you have your answer.

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If you've ever talked to some of these young men, they acknowledge these facts but believe his message has value in spite of it. I'm much less interested in drawing moral lines and assigning responsibility than I am in actually reducing the number of men who fall into the pipeline. That's what it is, a pipeline, and I thought the effort is about getting them out of it, not pointing fingers or playing the blame game. Besides, if we agree that its harmful, it falls on us to mitigate that harm, by first understanding what is appealing about Tate's message and how to change it for a better one.

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I honestly think we agree more than we disagree. I clicked through to your profile and saw you read Rollo Tomassi and was probably a bit prejudicial. I just think that any solution needs at least a small dose of, “we need to do a postmortem on how you let an internet marketer convince you that you could pay him to learn how to use Discord and Onlyfans to become a 13th century steppe warlord in 2025. There is a lot about the world that’s unfair but much of your happiness and success is in your hands.”

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Yea I'm just trying to understand the ideology, i don't agree with the ideas.

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