After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Very encouraging. I am particularly impressed with the Service Year Gov. Moore has implemented in their state. As you've said, Richard, boys need more time to mature to develop the executive functioning skills that allow them to compete academically. As a college professor, I believe ALL students benefit from a gap year after high school before college, but boys in particular. Having a year to work, earn money, serve others, and have more adult responsibilities will go VERY far in helping boys thrive in whatever vocational, academic, collegiate, or economic role they choose after high school. Good on you, Maryland. I hope our whole nation follows suit.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Can you post anything even mildly critical of black culture without being smeared as a racist?
What the fuck, here goes anyway.
It’s far past time for society to quit pandering to the black community and to demand that it take the lead in correcting the problems that the black underclass faces. Here are a few suggestions.
There is a systematic lack of respect for education within the black community. Tolerance of disruptive students by black school administrators and lack of effective discipline hinders learning in many black majority schools, stifling students’ potential achievement. The simple answer is to expel repeat offenders so that those who desire to learn can learn.
There is a casual acceptance of criminal behavior within many parts of the black community that results in a failure to cooperate with police in solving crimes. Until this is reversed there will be zero economic development within areas where they live.
Finally, someone must find a way to make black fathers love and care for their children and especially their boy children. Young black men (15-34) are just 2% of the population and commit about half of the nation’s homicides. A rate fifty times higher than the average American. The lack of a father’s involvement in raising their sons is at the heart of this problem yet no one acknowledges it and seeks answers to it. Where the hell are the middle and upper class blacks (and especially black politicians) who even publicly acknowledge this problem?
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
It's about time someone recognised men and boys falling behind, being around 75 %of all male suicide , not to mention being unfairly removed from their oved children's lives apon seperation of relationships due to a believe all women narrative. Good men are being thrown under the bus for a few bad . Fatherlessness is an epidemic destroying our kids and mostly not for the lack of trying to be involved in family courts worldwide. From Australia 🇦🇺
I am so happy the Maryland governor is focusing on the needs of men and boys in his state. It would be wonderful if more men became teachers, especially at the elementary and middle-school levels. A classmate posted a page from my high school yearbook on Facebook showing a number of our teachers and I was surprised to see how many male teachers there were. A lot. We need that again.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Your article mysteriously did not mention the political party of which Governor Moore is a member. That means, of course, as can easily be verified elsewhere: he is a Democrat.
He can’t fight his whole party. And if he were trying, we would have already heard their condemnations of him.
He will be good for the men and boys of his state about the way Gavin Newsom will be for those of his.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Well this is indeed what "Equity" policies are intended to do: Address inequities! Hope more government officials with follow suit with data-based initiatives rather than personal opinion!
This is great news, but in a way it's sad that when a Democratic politician actually mentions support for boys and men, that it's "news." Harris and Walz, the DNC, and all Democrats would do well to follow suit.
But, let's take wins when we get them! And let's hope Gov. Moore and Maryland follow it up by enacting effective male-supportive policies.
And by the way, there have been attempts in Maryland before to support men and boys. Jack Kammer started a Men's Commission in Baltimore in the 1980s, and Tom Golden was part of a Maryland Men's Health Commission in the early 2000s. So there have been some efforts in the past, but it's great to hear this from the Governor now -- hoping it develops into meaningful policy.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
I love that, at the start of this section, he acknowledged the labor force impact but said straight up: It's not just about labor. Boys and young men are dying of suicide. With those comments, he underscored that we need to care about men & boys b/c they are human who deserve care -- not just because we need them as workers or b/c we want to prevent violence or make other people safer. Boys and men need and deserve care, period.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
He said "begin implementing targeted solutions to uplift our men and boys" Nice words but no specific policies or programs.
This was his entire speech. Nothing specific, just nice words.
I live in Maryland. Moore is regarded as an empty suit, intent on using the governorship as a springboard to higher office.
He has led the state into debt. His education and transportation budgets have exploded without quantifiable goals or real expectations. Yesterday, he blamed climate change and the new administration for our debt. These are ludicrous explanations.
He is a weak governor. With no legislative experience or allies, he is at the whim of our state legislature.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
This was a thrilling address, and I have no doubt that i the work and research of your organization is part of the reason for it, perhaps even a large part.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
This is the Trump effect, and this is one of the only politically smart responses I've seen from a Democrat. This is not to say that Wes Moore is insincere about any of this--I'm sure he is committed to this and came to these conclusions mostly on his own.
BUT, Trump and Trump supporters and their new dominance of the nation have made it SAFER for Dems to say obvious things like this. Again, this is not to say that Wes Moore wouldn't have been brave enough to say this a few years ago; he probably would have been. It's just to say that MOST Democratic politicians have been talking about toxic masculinity up until today.
From a purely strategic political standpoint, this is exactly what Democrats should be doing. Instead of just whining about Trump and therefore confirming the electorate's already dim view of Democrats, Democrats should try to co-opt these issues. BE the party of government efficiency and cost-cutting instead of letting Trump own that space. BE the party of helping young men instead of letting Trump own that space.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Democrats are now concerned about males... Because of they have lost power?? The people they have discriminated for years and years are now supposed to forgive them?
They dont care about males. They care about their votes.:Even they are concerned about women, and this is just a way to protect women.
They are not really concerned about males.
If they were, they would have started by apologising to males. Recognising that they have created a sort of Matriarchy now.
Proposal for males?
Mental Health! Oh! My goodness, they are now concerned about men killing themselves.
Vocational training? Really? Women to be doctors, men to be plumbers?? No! This is NOT equality.
And mostly, Trump have made more for men in 1 month, deleting DEI, than Democrats in 40 years. No, we do not want quotas for males at teaching.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Thank you for highlighting the vision and leadership of my friend, Gov Wes Moore! He's a light in dark times. He's also been a guest on my show ( a number of times.
Richard, I'd be honored to have you join us anytime! Please reach out if you can! And thanks for all you do! -Paul
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Yes. Yes. Yes. Once again thank you for the work you are doing. There are always those who find it easier to tear down than build and you are not one of them.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
I am a inventor, can I discuss my Invention with you guys?
Refreshing! I hope it's sincere and it takes hold nationally. Without healthy boys and men we don't have a country.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Very encouraging. I am particularly impressed with the Service Year Gov. Moore has implemented in their state. As you've said, Richard, boys need more time to mature to develop the executive functioning skills that allow them to compete academically. As a college professor, I believe ALL students benefit from a gap year after high school before college, but boys in particular. Having a year to work, earn money, serve others, and have more adult responsibilities will go VERY far in helping boys thrive in whatever vocational, academic, collegiate, or economic role they choose after high school. Good on you, Maryland. I hope our whole nation follows suit.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
A good start by Moore.
Can you post anything even mildly critical of black culture without being smeared as a racist?
What the fuck, here goes anyway.
It’s far past time for society to quit pandering to the black community and to demand that it take the lead in correcting the problems that the black underclass faces. Here are a few suggestions.
There is a systematic lack of respect for education within the black community. Tolerance of disruptive students by black school administrators and lack of effective discipline hinders learning in many black majority schools, stifling students’ potential achievement. The simple answer is to expel repeat offenders so that those who desire to learn can learn.
There is a casual acceptance of criminal behavior within many parts of the black community that results in a failure to cooperate with police in solving crimes. Until this is reversed there will be zero economic development within areas where they live.
Finally, someone must find a way to make black fathers love and care for their children and especially their boy children. Young black men (15-34) are just 2% of the population and commit about half of the nation’s homicides. A rate fifty times higher than the average American. The lack of a father’s involvement in raising their sons is at the heart of this problem yet no one acknowledges it and seeks answers to it. Where the hell are the middle and upper class blacks (and especially black politicians) who even publicly acknowledge this problem?
What are they waiting for?
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
It's about time someone recognised men and boys falling behind, being around 75 %of all male suicide , not to mention being unfairly removed from their oved children's lives apon seperation of relationships due to a believe all women narrative. Good men are being thrown under the bus for a few bad . Fatherlessness is an epidemic destroying our kids and mostly not for the lack of trying to be involved in family courts worldwide. From Australia 🇦🇺
I am so happy the Maryland governor is focusing on the needs of men and boys in his state. It would be wonderful if more men became teachers, especially at the elementary and middle-school levels. A classmate posted a page from my high school yearbook on Facebook showing a number of our teachers and I was surprised to see how many male teachers there were. A lot. We need that again.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Your article mysteriously did not mention the political party of which Governor Moore is a member. That means, of course, as can easily be verified elsewhere: he is a Democrat.
He can’t fight his whole party. And if he were trying, we would have already heard their condemnations of him.
He will be good for the men and boys of his state about the way Gavin Newsom will be for those of his.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
I am happy that we are (substantially) in agreement.
Quite a few men are still voting Democratic. What’s up with them?
Not sure. They havent realised yet of the reality, or they like to feel like a Hero (ally) while they are the slaves.
Well this is indeed what "Equity" policies are intended to do: Address inequities! Hope more government officials with follow suit with data-based initiatives rather than personal opinion!
This is great news, but in a way it's sad that when a Democratic politician actually mentions support for boys and men, that it's "news." Harris and Walz, the DNC, and all Democrats would do well to follow suit.
But, let's take wins when we get them! And let's hope Gov. Moore and Maryland follow it up by enacting effective male-supportive policies.
And by the way, there have been attempts in Maryland before to support men and boys. Jack Kammer started a Men's Commission in Baltimore in the 1980s, and Tom Golden was part of a Maryland Men's Health Commission in the early 2000s. So there have been some efforts in the past, but it's great to hear this from the Governor now -- hoping it develops into meaningful policy.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
I love that, at the start of this section, he acknowledged the labor force impact but said straight up: It's not just about labor. Boys and young men are dying of suicide. With those comments, he underscored that we need to care about men & boys b/c they are human who deserve care -- not just because we need them as workers or b/c we want to prevent violence or make other people safer. Boys and men need and deserve care, period.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
He said "begin implementing targeted solutions to uplift our men and boys" Nice words but no specific policies or programs.
This was his entire speech. Nothing specific, just nice words.
I live in Maryland. Moore is regarded as an empty suit, intent on using the governorship as a springboard to higher office.
He has led the state into debt. His education and transportation budgets have exploded without quantifiable goals or real expectations. Yesterday, he blamed climate change and the new administration for our debt. These are ludicrous explanations.
He is a weak governor. With no legislative experience or allies, he is at the whim of our state legislature.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
This was a thrilling address, and I have no doubt that i the work and research of your organization is part of the reason for it, perhaps even a large part.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
This is the Trump effect, and this is one of the only politically smart responses I've seen from a Democrat. This is not to say that Wes Moore is insincere about any of this--I'm sure he is committed to this and came to these conclusions mostly on his own.
BUT, Trump and Trump supporters and their new dominance of the nation have made it SAFER for Dems to say obvious things like this. Again, this is not to say that Wes Moore wouldn't have been brave enough to say this a few years ago; he probably would have been. It's just to say that MOST Democratic politicians have been talking about toxic masculinity up until today.
From a purely strategic political standpoint, this is exactly what Democrats should be doing. Instead of just whining about Trump and therefore confirming the electorate's already dim view of Democrats, Democrats should try to co-opt these issues. BE the party of government efficiency and cost-cutting instead of letting Trump own that space. BE the party of helping young men instead of letting Trump own that space.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
So, thank you, Presidente Trump
Democrats are now concerned about males... Because of they have lost power?? The people they have discriminated for years and years are now supposed to forgive them?
They dont care about males. They care about their votes.:Even they are concerned about women, and this is just a way to protect women.
They are not really concerned about males.
If they were, they would have started by apologising to males. Recognising that they have created a sort of Matriarchy now.
Proposal for males?
Mental Health! Oh! My goodness, they are now concerned about men killing themselves.
Vocational training? Really? Women to be doctors, men to be plumbers?? No! This is NOT equality.
And mostly, Trump have made more for men in 1 month, deleting DEI, than Democrats in 40 years. No, we do not want quotas for males at teaching.
We just want to stop being discriminated .
He sounds like a decent guy. Great ideas.
I live in Maryland. Moore is a joke here. Great ideas? No solid proposals, Throwing more tax money at 'ideas' is not effective governing.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Oh Daryl, please don't speak for me, a fellow Marylander.
No. They are not. Not a single real proposal. What about stop discriminating men?
Ahh no. Thats was already aporoved that.
Thank you for highlighting the vision and leadership of my friend, Gov Wes Moore! He's a light in dark times. He's also been a guest on my show ( a number of times.
Richard, I'd be honored to have you join us anytime! Please reach out if you can! And thanks for all you do! -Paul
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.
Super helpful.
Actually, not at all.
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Yes. Yes. Yes. Once again thank you for the work you are doing. There are always those who find it easier to tear down than build and you are not one of them.
After decades blaming men for everything, Democrats do not have the moral authority to led the solution of problems to men. THEY have created them:
1. Mass inmigration.
2. Moving factories to China.
3. Toxic feminism and discrimination against men.
Now are they concerned? Just because we are voting Trump...
Now they have obtained their purpose of Girl Power, what? A programme for male suicide? Really?
Nop. They have to be blame for what has happened. They have to apologie to men. Blame feminism. Acknowlede the good of masculinity. I e. A 180 degree change for the past 40 years.