Fathers and Families Support Center in St. Louis has a strong track record in helping fathers réengage with their children both emotionally and financially. We would welcome the opportunity to share more information about the success of this organization and the men and boys it’s programs have developed. https://fatherssupportcenter.org/

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I only learned about your newsletter a week ago and I'm so so grateful. I was pointed to your piece by the first-ever Founding Member to my newsletter, who wrote an incredibly encouraging message about my work and linking to your piece here. It lead me to discover this news and this entire movement happening in order to help people/organisations/movements generating a meaningful impact in society to keep growing in the few years ahead - which made me feel included in such lot somehow. I feel honoured and grateful for this person, and I'm glad I've landed here too. Thank you!

Let's keep the vision, belief and the good work going!

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Grant money given to help boys or girl improve their lives in meaningful ways is for the betterment of all. So long as the funds are used in productive ways.

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As a man studying a counseling psychology Masters $20,000,000 would cover about 250 full tuition scholarships for men studying to be therapists or could be directly given to men to help them pay for their lives while they are in their practicums working towards the 3,000 hours for licensure. Directly giving money to men working hard to become part of the HEAL cohort is what I think some of this money should go towards

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This point that the work for gender equality is not a zero sum game cannot be emphasized enough. Just as racism negatively impacts all members of society, and working for racial equality is every bit for the benefit of all, so too does the work to create gender-based equity benefit our entire society. Congratulations on the grant. I love that it seems to be such unrestricted money based on trust for your organization. i hope you'll use a bit of that money to make yourself available to colleges/universities and other organizations to speak and promote gender equity!

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Melinda Gates gives $20 million towards boys and men, but gave $1 billion for women's rights.


If my math is right, that means she spent 50 times more on women than men.

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"There are other prominent figures pushing towards a more expansive approach to gender equality. Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General, is one. As he said in a recent interview:

It's important to start with acknowledging that young men and boys are actually going through a crisis of their own…the data is actually quite clear that young men and boys are actually falling behind on many metrics".

Did the Surgeon General tell his boss that there should be equal funding for men's health? Back in February, Biden gave $100,000,000 for women's health research, and zero dollars for men's health research.

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While it is easy to feel that the funding is unbalanced, and I would agree that it currently is, I would suggest asking what timeframe should be used to make sure the funding is equal. For example, if you look at one month, it seems completely unfair but if you were to look at four decades, women's health research would be grossly underfunded-most NIH grants in the 80's and 90's that were for gender neutral diseases like heart disease had almost entirely male cohorts. I propose keeping data for several timeframes in the hopes that one day they may all approach a fair split.

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Keep up the good work. Appreciate this. In my little corner of the world teaching college composition at a mid-size state school in Colorado -- this last semester, six (out of 90) of my students failed. Five of them were men. With a couple of exceptions, students doing the best work did not identify as men. The awareness/maturity gap between young women and young women seems to be growing.

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Well deserved. Excited to see how you deploy the funds.

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Sean, Be wary of Greeks bearing gifts, as they say. Melinda G. has a track record and I wouldn't call it pro-male in terms of what causes it has funded and/or championed. There are bound to be strings attached.

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As a parent and grandparent of two young men, I have watched how the educational system is affecting them. Too many don't fit in or feel comfortable in our educational environment. They give up and end up falling behind. If boys are not advancing, they are losing ground with the result being that eveyone loses. I am so glad that Richard Reeves received the grant from Melinda Gates. It is a brilliant move and well deserved.

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Great progress. Keep going.

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I can't fathom how the modern feminism is still concerned about the "terms of pay, senior positions of leadership, access to venture capital", like we lived in the '50s, while thousands of girls undergo FGM in the US alone, millions are forced to wear special clothing not to be a temptation for men, teenage girls struggle with social media pressure and mothers with their children dying of fentanyl overdose. Like the infamous gender pay gap wasn't the result of different career choices and hours worked and the genitals of a board member mattered. As long as they get equal opportunities of course.

And also, why is "Black" capitalised and "white" isn't?

Good news with the funds, though. Should go into the mental health and education mostly, in my opinion.

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You have no clue what modern feminists are concerned with or what we do. If men didn't cause so many problems in the first place, we wouldn't have to worry with not solving every problem in every country in the world, from Afghanistan to the US. Talk to the men who keep destroying everything.

This is like arsonists setting fire to everything, and then getting mad that firefighters can't put out 1,000 fires every day. The arsonists re the problem. You are the problem. Solve it amongst yourselves.

And yeah, if men just get enough money, maybe they'll stop watching porn and playing video games. Who knows what they can finally accomplish if they dream big. Maybe there's finally going to be a male US President, who knows!


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You ably demonstrate your misandry. That means hate for men, in case you were unfamiliar with the term.

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Kat: Were you one of the feminists that made death threats against Straus, Steinmetz and Gelles after they published their research which found that women batter men as often as the converse?

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I do have a clue, because it clearly says in the article: mainly terms of pay, senior leadership and venture capital. I could've made a mistake by putting all the "modern feminism" in the same box based on that quote, but I honestly didn't hear much about feminist actions against FGM (which is done mostly by women as far as I'm aware) or veiling for that matter.

I don't know how many problems did you personally solve in Afghanistan, but blaming men for all the bad things happening isn't helping either. It's a bit sexist in my opinion. I reckon there's as many messed up women as men.

And, tbh, using your logic, if the men are "watching porn and playing video games" you should be happy, as they're at least not "setting fires" women have to put out.

Thanks for your reply, though.

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Feminists have been the main campaigners against FGM, particularly in Africa and even in Western countries with high levels of Muslim migration. From feminists like Ayaan Hirsi Ali to Waris Dirie, they're the ones speaking out the most.

"FGM in Africa has declined over the past three decades, in some places quicker than others." https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/feb/07/anti-fgm-caravan-embarks-on-7400-mile-campaign-to-end-cutting-in-africa


And you want to talk about veiling? Who's fighting against it in Iran? Who's getting beaten in the streets for standing up to the pigs who run Iran? Who is addressing the males who run Iran and telling them to stop? Does Richard Reeves talk to them? Why don't you do something about that?

Typical idiotic male. Because you're ignorant of what's going on it's not happening. You think because you didn't hear of it, it's nonexistent, just like a child. Male solipsism at its finest.

No, women aren't the messed up ones. In countries like Norway, women don't shoot men in the head or ban them from going to school. Women don't fight to make it legal to marry underage boys. We don't commit 90% of violent crime while being the majority of politicians, and then act like victims and beg for money. We don't play dress up and destroy men's sports and commit rape in men's prisons.

Men are the problem. Men cause problems, and then idiots like you cry "WHERE ARE THE FEMINISMS TO SOLVE THIS."

Talk to the men who cause it. That's the truth, and that's why you think it "isn't helping." Lying about male nature isn't helping. Causing problems and then expecting women to run in and solve everything isn't helping. The problem with the idiots who watch porn is they troon out and then force themselves into women's spaces.

Go talk to them. Men are the problem.

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Thanks for your reply and I appreciate the time you put in to write your long comment. You raise some very important issues there and I fully agree with the problems you mentioned, however I do not agree with either the causes, the way of communication, or the solutions you stated. Well, you didn't really offer any solutions, apart from the implied, genocidal notion that if we get rid of men, we'll get rid of all the problems.

Firstly, the FGM. I'm very happy to hear there is some effort made and this barbaric practice is declining, but in the links you provided it's not the Western modern feminists on the frontline, but African women and the UN. FGM is still being practiced in the Western countries today and that should be one of the main priorities of the feminists, on the front pages, not the board member percentage. That's where Ms Gates' money could go. And also, you're accusing me of ignorance, but it shouldn't be me investigating if the FGM is any of the concern for the modern western feminism. If it was, I would've heard about it regardless, instead the message I hear is more women in senior leadership, more women in politics, more women in STEM etc.

Veiling. Was it you fighting on the streets of Tehran, or the brave Iranian women (and men!)? Is the burqa banned in the Western countries? Apart from a very few exceptions it isn't. Isn't that more important than the access to the venture capital? In fact, a substantial number of the feminists are in favour of veiling, saying that's a symbol of empowerment. Mixed signals there.

Banning girls from school, child marriage, veiling and partly FGM yes, men do, but not because they are men. If that was the case, you could see it all over the world, not just in some isolated communities. There's another common denomination, way more important, and I'll let you figure out what it is by yourself.

As for the trans issue I couldn't agree more. However, maybe that's just my sample bias, but it's mostly women I hear supporting it and saying trans women are women. And it's mostly men I hear trying to protect women's sports and spaces from perverts.

I'll agree with you also with the violent crime situation. I could say in what kind of criminal activity the sex ratio is skewed the other way round, but I don't want to lower myself to your sick blaming game. What I'm going to say though, is that in your opinion no woman is messed up, but all men are. I say, people can be vile and cruel regardless of sex, and history can name a few bloodthirsty women in power, too. It's not just unicorns and rainbows. Your language is very sexist, hateful and aggressive, you're putting all men in the same box and you're using negative stereotypes to describe the whole population of men. You're insulting me, too, just because I may share some similarities with a group of the perpetrators. That's how totalitarian regimes operate - a group responsibility.

It does seem that the wellbeing of women is very important to you, but the way you speak doesn't help. Imagine you had a child and you'd blame him, castigate him and accuse him of all the evil. That's got a name, it's called psychological violence and is a cause of trauma. And remember that hurt people hurt people. That's why we need people like the mentioned Richard Reeves, to raise the awareness of mental health and to educate, not antagonise, boys, and to teach them values like responsibility, self confidence, self discipline, respect and courage, despite the messages you propagate.


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Why are you wasting your time engaging in this discussion?

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Good question. I think to hear other points of view (I can always learn something), to revaluate my own current views and to practice my English.

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Get a job.

I didn't ask for advice on the way I speak, and I wouldn't benefit from any advice from you.

Go fap to Andrew Tate videos on TikTok.

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Never seen or heard Andrew Tate, never been on tiktok and I'm working 60h a week.

Thanks for engaging here anyway and take care!

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Congratulations. Well deserved

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May 28Liked by Richard V Reeves

Great news - congrats! Away we go.

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Congrats! So pleased when I saw the news. My new org (PRB) does lots of complementary work in this space so if you want to chat let me know!

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You bet!

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Pay no attention to the likes of Kat Highsmith. It is precisely the orchestrated misandry from feminists like her that, coupled with cultural indifference to the issues faced by men and boys, that have resulted in the far poorer outcomes faced by men and boys today.

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Men have said for centuries that males are tough, logical, rational, and the better sex. Males have been saying this about themselves forever.

Why can't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and help themselves? Maybe if they work hard, then there will finally be a male President of the US someday--who knows?!

Btw, are you going to go to Afghanistan and give some money to the poor, sad moids who have successfully eliminated girls from school while literally marrying 9 year old girls? Or maybe in Yemen, where 10 year olds have to file for divorce? Or in Texas, where males have successfully forced women to carry dead fetuses for weeks? Or tell the males currently competing in girls' sports and getting girls suspended from school in West Virginia and Vermont?

You people are morons. Stop painting the fact that you rush to help male losers as helping women too. That's complete and utter nonsense. Male solipsism and irrational ego, repackaged for the modern century. Sheer idiocy.

Just go play video games.

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Your hate for men is breathtaking. Feminists like you have made men the enemy, in much the same way that the Nazis made Jews the enemy.I don't see how you can look in the mirror and call yourself a human being.

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