This article ignored the gender inequalities that men face: only ,men are required to register for the military draft, and only women have reproductive rights. Men are routinely trashed in divorce courts, which explains why men are shunning marriage, and often shunning women and dating, as well. Half of rape accusations are false. Women batter men as often as the converse, yet there is only the Violence Against Women Act. There is far more government funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer.

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There is nothing reasonable about "affirmative action"; it is discrimination, plain and simple. Let's not quibble about definitions.

There is no reason why men today must be discriminated against when their mothers, grandmothers and other female ancestors were supposedly discriminated against. There is no reason why women today should get any preferential treatment when their fathers, grandfathers and other male ancestors supposedly were so privileged. See how that goes?

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Correct. What the author has left out here is that feminists are not demanding that women be required to register for the military draft. and that men gain the right to refuse parenthood.

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I love the line about there being as many different types/definitions of "feminists" as there are of "Christian."

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I remember Ben Shapiro handily rebutting a feminist who claimed that feminism was about equality. His reply was, "No, it's right there in the name - feminism". He is right, of course - people that can lay claim to being humanitarians are not feminists.

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One good reason that most women do not describe themselves as feminists is that most women have an overarching sense of justice. They have fathers, brothers, and sons whom they love. In other words, they are not ideologues.

Feminism, on the other hand, is at odds with equal rights and liberal concepts such as due process and freedom of expression. We need look no further than the Biden administration’s recent feminist updates to Title IX.

According to their press release on the fire.org, the regs:

eliminate the right to a live hearing to contest the allegations;

eliminate the right to cross-examine one’s accuser and witnesses;

weaken the right to be represented by lawyers in campus sexual misconduct expulsion proceedings; and

allows for the return of the “single-investigator” model, in which a single administrator serves as prosecutor, judge, and jury.

These rules ignore judicial precedent and the latest decisions of the Supreme Court. They are illiberal and unjust. Few mothers wish to see their son’s futures destroyed by the excesses of feminist ideology. Boys do not want to self-identify with an ideology that seeks to rob them of their humanity. “Believe all women” is not a call for equality, but the inverse. That is obvious to all but the ideologues.

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Really interesting article, coming at a important time as I feel the discussion in politics and movements is becoming more and more heated. If you were to only listen to media outlets you would believe that the has been a surge of anti feminist views and almost a call to role back some progress made. However this article shows that’s there is still a common support for equal rights for both men and women. The point I gathered from this article is the way we look and address these issues will have profound affect on the views and outcomes for our new younger generations.

Loved the article and keep up the amazing work your doing Richard 👍🏻

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The article did not mention that only men are required to register for the military draft, and only women have reproductive rights. As might be expected, feminists are silent about the inequalities men face.

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Thank you for your thorough response Lorenzo. If these quotes are what you are referring to than I agree with you that this type of feminism is far from helpful. The term feminism is quite a large umbrella and there are so many distinct views that can come under it. I’m glad you clarified. Your relationship sounds beautiful.

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This is such a big topic and it should be spoken about with much nuance and care. I have been exploring this for the past 14 years and now writing a book about some of the topics mentioned in the article above. My assessment and the experience I have had working with groups of both men and women over many years has showed me that we are on some type of "evolutionary arc" in regards to sex and gender (and equality) and many of us get confused about what we are actually "fighting for". Feminism has sprouted from a need to have basic rights and it has come with force to meet the energy and need of the time. In my view at this point of our evolution, we need to integrate our biological differences and bring them back into the narrative. Modernity has equated many of the innate qualities of the female biology to "something missing or lacking" and this is more of a "blind spot" than some ill intention. To have a world in which both men and women learn how to collaborate with one another from a place of clarity, respect and integrity we need to learn to see the other more fully and with more curiosity and openness. Responding to triggers will only get us so far.

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Feminists inn Congress made sure that there is vastly more funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer. Back in February, Jill Biden donated $100,000,000 of taxpayer funds to the White House Initiative on Women's Health Research, and zero dollars for men's health research.

Basic rights? Only men are required to register for the military draft, and only women have reproductive rights.

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Thank you for running the numbers. I've read too many feminist screeds claiming "all men think X" without having actually talked to any men.

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It is time to call feminism for what It is.

Feminism is an international criminal organization.

Feminists are criminal.

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Lorenzo, your angry rants do a good job of convincing people that critics of feminism are the extremists.

Please get a grip of yourself.

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Back in the mid-1970s, Suzanne Steinmetz, Murray Straus and Richard Gelles studied domestic violence, and found that women battered men as often as the converse. Feminists didn't want their government cash cow gored, so they made death threats against the three to try to silence them.

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Feminists in Congress deceived their colleagues into thinking that women's health "only" received 15% of the NIH budget, They conveniently left out the fact that that 15% was already twice the amount being spent on male-specific health. Feminists are liars and con artists.

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Angry rant? I read it hearing a chuckle .. where are you getting the impression of even a hint of anger or of a rant? Genuinely curious.

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No no no.

I'62. A Manager. A shareholder, A Father of a doughter and a boy. I'm married since 1988 with a woman I love and she loves me. I love and I respect women but I hate criminal and, again I confirm that It is time to call feminism for what It is. Feminism is an international criminal and here there are the proofs:

"The nuclear family must be destroyed ... whatever the final meaning, the breakdown of families is now an objectively revolutionary process" - Linda Gordon

"We cannot destroy inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage" - Robin Morgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed), 1970, p. 537)

"The men are from another planet, sent here in spaceships to copulate with the female inhabitants of planet earth and propagate the species - a mission for which science has now rendered them completely useless. We just have to keep a handful of donors in place. a sperm farm, where they can subsist by eating pizza and drinking beer. " --Rosie DiManno, Toronto Star reporter, Alberta Report, Jan.11, 1999, p. 31

"All the men who are fighting and crying for shared custody of their children are the very men who deserve no custody. They are nothing but rapists and pedophiles." --Cindy Ross

"I want to see a man beaten to blood and with a stiletto heel stuck in his mouth, like an apple in a pig's mouth" - Andrea Dworkin.

"I believe that hating males is an honorable and vital political act, the oppressed have a right to hate the entire class that is oppressing them" - Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.

"I have no idea what revolutionary role heterosexual white males can play, as they are the very embodiment of a revolutionary power based on their privileges. On the other hand, I still have a lot of difficulty understanding what they generally have. men could do about this. Apart from starting to do all the degrading jobs that women have done for generations, maybe they could even commit suicide en masse? No, I didn't really mean that. But yes, I really meant that. " - Robin Morgan.

"I argue that rape exists whenever sexual intercourse was not initiated by the woman, stemming from her own genuine desire and affection" - Robin Morgan

"Define a man as an animal and pay him a compliment; man is a machine, a walking vibrator". Valerie Solanas, Authoress of the SCUM Manifesto

"I don't want to put myself in a position to explain to a 9-year-old boy why I am convinced that it is OK for girls to wear t-shirts that reveal their superiority over boys" --Treena Shapiro

"We are, as a genus, infinitely superior to men." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"All men are rapists, that's who they are." - Marilyn French

"Men wrongly accused of rape can still learn from that experience" - Catherine Comins

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Wow Lorenzo, that sounds a bit radical. I am interested in why you think this way. I imagine you must have had some personal struggles in regards to this?

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No Adriana, I'm married since 1988 with a woman I love and she loves me, we have had 2 childrens, a boy and a girlo, now graduated. I love and I respect women at the same level of men. But I atudy and read and this is your feminism: The nuclear family must be destroyed ... whatever the final meaning, the breakdown of families is now an objectively revolutionary process" - Linda Gordon

"We cannot destroy inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage" - Robin Morgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed), 1970, p. 537)

"The men are from another planet, sent here in spaceships to copulate with the female inhabitants of planet earth and propagate the species - a mission for which science has now rendered them completely useless. We just have to keep a handful of donors in place. a sperm farm, where they can subsist by eating pizza and drinking beer. " --Rosie DiManno, Toronto Star reporter, Alberta Report, Jan.11, 1999, p. 31

"All the men who are fighting and crying for shared custody of their children are the very men who deserve no custody. They are nothing but rapists and pedophiles." --Cindy Ross

"I want to see a man beaten to blood and with a stiletto heel stuck in his mouth, like an apple in a pig's mouth" - Andrea Dworkin.

"I believe that hating males is an honorable and vital political act, the oppressed have a right to hate the entire class that is oppressing them" - Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.

"I have no idea what revolutionary role heterosexual white males can play, as they are the very embodiment of a revolutionary power based on their privileges. On the other hand, I still have a lot of difficulty understanding what they generally have. men could do about this. Apart from starting to do all the degrading jobs that women have done for generations, maybe they could even commit suicide en masse? No, I didn't really mean that. But yes, I really meant that. " - Robin Morgan.

"I argue that rape exists whenever sexual intercourse was not initiated by the woman, stemming from her own genuine desire and affection" - Robin Morgan

"Define a man as an animal and pay him a compliment; man is a machine, a walking vibrator". Valerie Solanas, Authoress of the SCUM Manifesto

"I don't want to put myself in a position to explain to a 9-year-old boy why I am convinced that it is OK for girls to wear t-shirts that reveal their superiority over boys" --Treena Shapiro

"We are, as a genus, infinitely superior to men." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"All men are rapists, that's who they are." - Marilyn French

"Men wrongly accused of rape can still learn from that experience" - Catherine Comins

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"As many types of feminists as there are Christians . . . "

The post's topic provides infinite fodder for discussion and analysis. One can wallow in sociological complexities. But it really comes down to this--Apologies to W. Bush who asked, "Is our children learning? /sic. Well I ask, "Are our children procreating?" They are not procreating enough. At this rate in the not too distant future our civilization dies. Why are they not procreating? Two simple reasons: 1) Most men don't want to marry a "feminist." 2) Most feminists don't want to marry a man.

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I've been a supporter of equality, the essence of the second wave of feminism, for over half a century, in both my personal and professional lives. I have witnessed in some quarters the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction, not just seeking parity but demanding retribution. On the surface, I'm the Poster Boy/Man for the WASP Ivy League Patriarchal Hierarchy. As such, I have had to endure in recent years everything from invisibility, to womansplaining and rejection based solely on my sex, my color, my education, and my age. When I ask for parity, say in a graduate guest artist or professional position that now has a majority of young women (sometimes as high as 80/20), I'm criticized for being sexist. But I'm sure that this website and Mr. Reeves have received their fair share of backlash and indictment. Let me conclude by giving VP Kamala Harris my heartfelt endorsement and hope, finally, to see 21st-Century America elect a woman president.

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Define woman president.

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People are starting to wake up to the one-sided nature of feminism. We hear all about equal rights. Goodl But we don't hear about equal RESPONSIBILITIES. It's time both of these are honored. Not just rights. What most don't know is that feminist leaders had a high percentage of the mentally ill. Listen to Carrie Gress, the author of the End of Woman talk about this. https://menaregood.substack.com/p/the-end-of-woman-how-smashing-the?r=ybmah

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Is there any wonder that young men appear to be increasingly disillusioned, demoralized and quietly resentful when gender equality as they might wish for it -- more equal opportunities for them in non-economic relationships -- seems nowhere contemplated by future-looking surveys only about what women can gain from more equal opportunities for them in economic relationships?

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"In February, Gallup showed that young American men tend to be conservative while their female counterparts are becoming increasingly left-wing. Women between the ages of 18 and 30 are now 30 points more liberal than men their age."

This shows there is an important gender gap and that is affecting male-female relationships. As a activist in the women's movement in the 70s, I think this is a serious issue. It definitely disrupts partnerships between men and women.

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The opposition was overstated. Like the European elections, the outcomes were misrepresented. Probably because the notion of boys turning away from feminism was always going to get the most clicks for journos.

Manne's take is predictably woeful. Boys cannot see or understand the real world when they are in school. Tate'a appeal is the theme tune, the cars and the cigars and his simplistic, "no-nonsense" manner. The fact society have not given them a better role model shames us all. But Tate is better for young men than the feminist menu of "you are toxic/privileged/trash". I don't think the likes of Manne either know or care how to do better.

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Tate is a conman and human trafficker. He not only exploits the vulnerability of these lost men for personal gain (by taking money, time, and attention), but also entrenches them further in anti-sociability. I fail to see how that’s better than the “feminist menu.” And even if it was… better for whom?

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I know full well what Tate is, but, inamongst all his wrongdoing, he has said more useful things for men than all feminists and male allies combined.

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Probably boys are lost for the criminal and toxic feminism?

Yes, this is the reason boys hate feminism. Feminism is an international criminal organization.

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It’s better for young men because at least it’s an empowering self-narrative. After you find out how bogus Tate is, at least you have some of the tools needed to be happy. Feminist narratives are most often precisely the opposite of what’s needed to be happy.

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It seems the assumption of gender equality has become so mainstream as to hardly register as a question. But the term "feminism" doesn't, for many people, evoke that simple (now) truism. Instead, it smacks of a political agenda and gender favoritism. I don't know if it's important to rehab the term "feminism," but it is certainly important to talk about what gender equality truly looks like in specific contexts. What I appreciate about AIBM and similar efforts is the work to have nuanced conversations about ways that gender identities can be affirmed without resorting to crude stereotypes as the only means of noticing and addressing gender-based differences. In my own university context, I think this means things like offering a course on Men and Masculinities (a common course in Soc-Anth curricula), finding ways to get men together for productive conversations, and promoting male-focused spaces that do not consolidate power, but provide opportunities for men to consider how they want to be part of building a world in which gender - for men, women and non-binary people - is not a barrier or advantage.

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Feminism is an international criminal organization.

Feminists are criminal.

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The non-binary issue is an entirely different subject.

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In some respects, yes. But in terms of how gender identity/expression is a political or economic asset or liability, not really.

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