
Take the W, guys!

When prominent progressive orgs recognize the position of boys and men, that's good news

I’ve seen some online criticism that the World Bank's new Gender Strategy lacks enough attention to the gender gaps impacting boys and men. True. But it’s all relative, and there are some real signs of progress here. The last report from 2016 had basically no mention of boys and men, except briefly in the context of schooling.

This time round, right at the top of the report, this acknowledgement:

Then in the main summary of key points this:

And recognition that gender gaps in education now mean boys and men being behind:

In fact, all the gender gaps on human capital now favor girls and women, as the report shows clearly:

Sure, there's not enough in terms of action to tackle the gender disparities that impact boys & men.

Sure, this could be dismissed as lip service.

But I think it is far better to celebrate that the World Bank now recognizes that gender gaps can run both ways. That’s real progress.

Let’s take the W, guys!

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