I read this article months ago, and just rediscovered it. Still just makes me sick when I look at the CDC website 2 years after this article was published and still see a single sentence of "non-Hispanic White populations" having the highest suicide RATE couched behind "people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual have high RISK" - why is "risk" higher than "rate"? If they are at high risk, why aren't the rates reported? Are people in those categories more likely to seek mental healthcare? Or are they just the most open about having those thoughts?
I don't understand the culture of "if you're for one thing you must be 100% against every other thing" it seems most have adopted the past several years. I can't speak about male health without receiving some comment about female health, or how hard the LGBTQ community has it. I can't share concern for fathers and mothers at the same time? For husbands and wives? Sons and daughters? They aren't mutually exclusive.
Clinical social worker here, couldn't agree more. Had similar experience in college (2020-2024). Some of my classes of 25-30 would have 0-2 men in the class. Recently I have advocated at work to more or less beg to hire men, especially black men, and the understandable response is "we haven't had any male applicants and recruiting hasn't worked". How can they hire people who don't exist? I'm alarmed by the lack of inclusion of men in these mental health professional colleges. At the end of the day as a white woman, no amount of working on anti racism or cultural competence is sufficient for some presenting concerns. Black men need black male therapists to exist, and as much as we have a lack of male representation in the field, the specific lack of BIPOC men in the field is as much a crisis in my mind (if not the biggest) as any other issue related to attracting people to work in mental health. And, by the way, I also had the experience of being ridiculed for bringing up the issue in college. Forget it when i took an interdepartmental class in the gender studies department. Speaking out on the issue there was ostracizing, which made it difficult to find authenticity in statements about feminism being for all (even though I personally believe that to be true). I have two brothers and no sisters and let me tell you, they have doubts and insecurities and humanity and mental health just as much as I do. How horrible it must be to feel isolated and unwanted--can't we women relate, specifically in the heterosexual binary systems, and have compassion for working towards no one having that experience? Reeves point on an interview on daily show I watched that, paraphrasing, we can hold space for two things at once, we can care about and be concerned about two things at once, couldn't be more prescient in 2025. Not only is it possible, but arguing that it is impossible is cowardly and self-centered. Swinging the pendulum of equality back to one lopsided side is not the equity we need right now.
I’m sorry but it isn’t just that we are not talking about it the left and feminists has been absolutely reckless in their rhetoric. Their insistence that this problem only exists because men don’t talk about their problems has created very damaging and dangerous societal narratives that has impacted on public policy. Here is some stats according to the NHS out of The UK almost 90% of men within 3 months of killing themselves reached out for help or exhibited help seeking behaviour. It isn’t that men arent talking it’s that nobody is listening or even trying to help.
I’ve been saying this for ten years, and for that amount of time I’ve been dismissed as being crazy, delusional, sexist and misogynistic, and have been told that I am “cherry-picking” to create a social issue where there is not one. In fact, my social media presence has become largely only male suicide-related, but the downside to that is the fact that even my most well-meaning friends have pretty much tuned me out. I’m convinced that the male suicide issue will never get attention until American women start talking about it. They drive the social justice meter, and if they aren’t talking about it, it doesn’t exist.
When women talk about SA/or getting r*ped on FB thousands on men come out of the wood- work to blame victims. When women talk about DV thousands of men come to the post yelling "pick better". When women's partners abandon their kid leaving all burdens of raising a it financial & otherwise on Mom.....men demonize the partner that stayed and give a pass to the one that left. MRA chumps scream that we are illogical "dishwashers" and shouldn't have careers or the right to vote. Incels and red-pillers call us foids, toilets, and 304s at every turn acting like we are sub-humans who need to submit to men. Now, shockingly these men are depressed and lonely....and we are supposed to advocate for those who institutionally run everything and act like we're NOTHING. I wouldn't hold your breathe...just tell men to make better choices.
This must be trolling, far too many leaps of twisted logic and far too much bitterness to be a real comment. But if it is, please God never have children, we don't need more people who look at the world the way you do.
Dude, you are killing it on this issue. (Sorry for the morbid pun.) You are spot on. Since your post there was a NYT article, "Girls Are Taking Their Pain Out on Themselves," that highlighted the mental health crisis of teenage girls by focusing on "non-suicide self harm." Seriously? Why exclude suicide? It's hard for me not to conclude that the mainstream media simply has no empathy for the plight of men, even when it comes to suicide.
And I also noted the CDC's biased coverage of suicide by completely failing to identify men as vulnerable class when it comes to suicide. This is an official government agency that can't accurately report on a public heath issue because it affects men. The bigger question is why is there such an empathy gap when it comes to men's issues?
Thank you for your post.
Father of three teenage boys who all suffer depression
Dr John Barry of UCL London and Male Psychology Magazine is doing extensive work on this problem of high rates of males completing suicide. I wish you would do a podcast with him...
I was telling a woman close to me (ok, it was my wife) about this article. She hadn’t heard that suicide rates were higher for men and boys, but she wasn’t surprised because ”men are more violent than women”. I let that pass because being married means learning to pick one’s battles, plus I like to give any idea the benefit of the doubt before I take issue with it. But it almost sounded like blaming the victim. I wonder how many people, men as well as women, believe similarly. Could this be a problem, too?
It is interesting that even as alarming stats about men's health are being covered, it is often with this kind of spin. I saw something else on how men were less likely to be screened for some disease but the writer said it was another example of male privilege at work. It's so different than the coverage of other demographics. And yes, I have also heard the same dismissal on male suicide. Men are more violent and what are we going to do about it anyway.
Why are men (and indeed all people) far more depressed and suicidal than in the past? Mental healthcare is an essential resource for those suffering from depression and suicidality, but my question is: What causes it in the first place? What about our current social makeup causes people to desire self harm?
My thought, and this certainly doesn't originate with me, is that so much less of our time is taken up with basic survival now. Read a Laura Ingalls Wilder book. Those folks didn't have time to get depressed. They had chores to do.
men are increasingly becoming disposable in the modern labor economy (beneath the rank of CEO/President) and in the family. This has really affected older men who grew up in a more rigid patriarchal society. There is also no doubt a gender bias to reporting, since most editors are now female. It's kind of obvious, but needs to be raised. Have you looked into the research on how many mass shootings are basically suicides w/collateral damage? I recently discussed the cultural continuum of suicide with mass shootings being the most angry and theatrical version... https://jamesrichardson.substack.com/publish/post/63157929
Thanks for mentioning CEPR's work on why men need Medicaid (and ideally universal health care and other social security benefits that we lack here). On the recent CDC releases, this new analysis by Will Rinehart and Taylor Barkley is the best thing I've seen so far: https://nowandnext.substack.com/p/thoughts-on-cdc-yrbs-data
Not to be a downer, but it seems like culturally we have developed a blasé attitude toward suicide in general. It is more common in western countries to allow Dr assisted suicide for any reason, like depression.
We just shrug and say, it’s their choice 🤷♀️.
It’s really sad.
I first noticed this when I read an article about a woman who was concerned about who would care for her as she aged. She was in her late 60s had never partnered or raised children. And the top comment was “don’t forget you have assisted suicide where you live”
Here's the thing -- your graphs end at age 64 above -- it actually keeps climbing with increasing age. People don't care, as it's not a top cause of death for old men (so many more things kill you at that age... and why not just die already?) -- well, I care.
Who am I? A life actuary who hates death. But I love keeping track of death stats. And I often post on these things.
> Washington Post reports, in an exercise in bounded distrust:
> > Nearly 1 in 3 high school girls reported in 2021 that they seriously considered suicide — up nearly 60 percent from a decade ago — according to new findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Almost 15 percent of teen girls said they were forced to have sex, an increase of 27 percent over two years and the first increase since the CDC began tracking it.
> > …
> > Thirteen percent [of girls] had attempted suicide during the past year, compared to 7 percent of boys.
> One child in ten attempted suicide this past year, and it is steadily increasing? Yikes.
> There is a big gender gap here, but as many of you already suspect because the pattern is not new, it is not what you would think from the above.
> > In the U.S, male adolescents die by suicide at a rate five times greater than that of female adolescents, although suicide attempts by females are three times as frequent as those by males. A possible reason for this is the method of attempted suicide for males is typically that of firearm use, with a 78–90% chance of fatality. Females are more likely to try a different method, such as ingesting poison. Females have more parasuicides. This includes using different methods, such as drug overdose, which are usually less effective.
> I am going to go ahead and say that if males die five times as often from suicide, that seems more important than the number of attempts. **It is kind of stunning, or at least it should be, to have five boys die for every girl that dies, and for newspapers and experts to make it sound like girls have it worse here**. Very big ‘women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat’ (actual 1998 quote from Hillary Clinton) energy.
For many decades now, my whole life really, I've heard people in the know say variations on "women attempt suicide, men commit suicide." It was ever thus. But the more recent numbers aren't merely shocking. They are horrifying.
Thank you Richard. I love the work that you’re doing, and your courage in writing and speaking
And...I have to admit I cringe a bit when I read “being male is the biggest risk factor of all,” instead of, perhaps, something like “being male is the strongest correlation of all.”
Is the root cause literally being male, being male in our current society, or... living the life of a male person? Subtle and hard to pick apart, but important distinctions, I think.
Do you know if there’s much research on the disparity in method of suicide for young men and young women? There’s a lot more chance to reconsider a medication suicide than a gunshot one, and young men (I predict) have greater access to guns. They definitely are at much higher risk of being the perpetrator or the victim of a gun homicide in their late teens/early twenties. I would predict there was still an underlying disparity in attempts, but I expect part of the disparity in deaths is method driven.
I’ve heard, but haven’t see the research, that there’s something to your question, and the reason the male suicide rate is so much higher is not because boys are attempting suicide more than girls (apparently they’re not), they’re just more “successful” at it because they use far more violent methods (guns or hanging themselves vs. attempted overdose).
Contains this crap: "Suicide attempts were most common among girls between the ages of 13 and 18. In this age bracket, in the first nine months of 2022, as many as 1,137 girls tried to end their lives. Among children aged between seven and 12, there were 54 suicide attempts but none resulted in death.".
Doesn't indicate in any way that men kill themselves way more often.
> An increase in suicides was also observed among women. In 2020, 778 women took their own lives, in 2021 - 787, while in 2022 - as many as 847 women. Compared to 2021, this is an increase of more than 7 percent.
> As in previous years, suicides primarily affect men. Of the 5,018 suicides in 2022 - 4,261 are men. However, one can speak of a slight decrease, as 4,413 men committed suicide in 2021 and 4,386 in 2020.
Still prioritizes women, but at least it mentions men at all. So, 85% of actual (not "attempted") suicides are done by men.
I read this article months ago, and just rediscovered it. Still just makes me sick when I look at the CDC website 2 years after this article was published and still see a single sentence of "non-Hispanic White populations" having the highest suicide RATE couched behind "people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual have high RISK" - why is "risk" higher than "rate"? If they are at high risk, why aren't the rates reported? Are people in those categories more likely to seek mental healthcare? Or are they just the most open about having those thoughts?
I don't understand the culture of "if you're for one thing you must be 100% against every other thing" it seems most have adopted the past several years. I can't speak about male health without receiving some comment about female health, or how hard the LGBTQ community has it. I can't share concern for fathers and mothers at the same time? For husbands and wives? Sons and daughters? They aren't mutually exclusive.
Clinical social worker here, couldn't agree more. Had similar experience in college (2020-2024). Some of my classes of 25-30 would have 0-2 men in the class. Recently I have advocated at work to more or less beg to hire men, especially black men, and the understandable response is "we haven't had any male applicants and recruiting hasn't worked". How can they hire people who don't exist? I'm alarmed by the lack of inclusion of men in these mental health professional colleges. At the end of the day as a white woman, no amount of working on anti racism or cultural competence is sufficient for some presenting concerns. Black men need black male therapists to exist, and as much as we have a lack of male representation in the field, the specific lack of BIPOC men in the field is as much a crisis in my mind (if not the biggest) as any other issue related to attracting people to work in mental health. And, by the way, I also had the experience of being ridiculed for bringing up the issue in college. Forget it when i took an interdepartmental class in the gender studies department. Speaking out on the issue there was ostracizing, which made it difficult to find authenticity in statements about feminism being for all (even though I personally believe that to be true). I have two brothers and no sisters and let me tell you, they have doubts and insecurities and humanity and mental health just as much as I do. How horrible it must be to feel isolated and unwanted--can't we women relate, specifically in the heterosexual binary systems, and have compassion for working towards no one having that experience? Reeves point on an interview on daily show I watched that, paraphrasing, we can hold space for two things at once, we can care about and be concerned about two things at once, couldn't be more prescient in 2025. Not only is it possible, but arguing that it is impossible is cowardly and self-centered. Swinging the pendulum of equality back to one lopsided side is not the equity we need right now.
(added this as a full comment for visibility!)
I’m sorry but it isn’t just that we are not talking about it the left and feminists has been absolutely reckless in their rhetoric. Their insistence that this problem only exists because men don’t talk about their problems has created very damaging and dangerous societal narratives that has impacted on public policy. Here is some stats according to the NHS out of The UK almost 90% of men within 3 months of killing themselves reached out for help or exhibited help seeking behaviour. It isn’t that men arent talking it’s that nobody is listening or even trying to help.
I’ve been saying this for ten years, and for that amount of time I’ve been dismissed as being crazy, delusional, sexist and misogynistic, and have been told that I am “cherry-picking” to create a social issue where there is not one. In fact, my social media presence has become largely only male suicide-related, but the downside to that is the fact that even my most well-meaning friends have pretty much tuned me out. I’m convinced that the male suicide issue will never get attention until American women start talking about it. They drive the social justice meter, and if they aren’t talking about it, it doesn’t exist.
When women talk about SA/or getting r*ped on FB thousands on men come out of the wood- work to blame victims. When women talk about DV thousands of men come to the post yelling "pick better". When women's partners abandon their kid leaving all burdens of raising a it financial & otherwise on Mom.....men demonize the partner that stayed and give a pass to the one that left. MRA chumps scream that we are illogical "dishwashers" and shouldn't have careers or the right to vote. Incels and red-pillers call us foids, toilets, and 304s at every turn acting like we are sub-humans who need to submit to men. Now, shockingly these men are depressed and lonely....and we are supposed to advocate for those who institutionally run everything and act like we're NOTHING. I wouldn't hold your breathe...just tell men to make better choices.
This must be trolling, far too many leaps of twisted logic and far too much bitterness to be a real comment. But if it is, please God never have children, we don't need more people who look at the world the way you do.
Dude, you are killing it on this issue. (Sorry for the morbid pun.) You are spot on. Since your post there was a NYT article, "Girls Are Taking Their Pain Out on Themselves," that highlighted the mental health crisis of teenage girls by focusing on "non-suicide self harm." Seriously? Why exclude suicide? It's hard for me not to conclude that the mainstream media simply has no empathy for the plight of men, even when it comes to suicide.
And I also noted the CDC's biased coverage of suicide by completely failing to identify men as vulnerable class when it comes to suicide. This is an official government agency that can't accurately report on a public heath issue because it affects men. The bigger question is why is there such an empathy gap when it comes to men's issues?
Thank you for your post.
Father of three teenage boys who all suffer depression
Could this relate? https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/aug/13/girls-overtake-boys-in-a-level-and-gcse-maths-so-are-they-smarter
Dr John Barry of UCL London and Male Psychology Magazine is doing extensive work on this problem of high rates of males completing suicide. I wish you would do a podcast with him...
I was telling a woman close to me (ok, it was my wife) about this article. She hadn’t heard that suicide rates were higher for men and boys, but she wasn’t surprised because ”men are more violent than women”. I let that pass because being married means learning to pick one’s battles, plus I like to give any idea the benefit of the doubt before I take issue with it. But it almost sounded like blaming the victim. I wonder how many people, men as well as women, believe similarly. Could this be a problem, too?
It is interesting that even as alarming stats about men's health are being covered, it is often with this kind of spin. I saw something else on how men were less likely to be screened for some disease but the writer said it was another example of male privilege at work. It's so different than the coverage of other demographics. And yes, I have also heard the same dismissal on male suicide. Men are more violent and what are we going to do about it anyway.
Why are men (and indeed all people) far more depressed and suicidal than in the past? Mental healthcare is an essential resource for those suffering from depression and suicidality, but my question is: What causes it in the first place? What about our current social makeup causes people to desire self harm?
My thought, and this certainly doesn't originate with me, is that so much less of our time is taken up with basic survival now. Read a Laura Ingalls Wilder book. Those folks didn't have time to get depressed. They had chores to do.
men are increasingly becoming disposable in the modern labor economy (beneath the rank of CEO/President) and in the family. This has really affected older men who grew up in a more rigid patriarchal society. There is also no doubt a gender bias to reporting, since most editors are now female. It's kind of obvious, but needs to be raised. Have you looked into the research on how many mass shootings are basically suicides w/collateral damage? I recently discussed the cultural continuum of suicide with mass shootings being the most angry and theatrical version... https://jamesrichardson.substack.com/publish/post/63157929
Thanks for mentioning CEPR's work on why men need Medicaid (and ideally universal health care and other social security benefits that we lack here). On the recent CDC releases, this new analysis by Will Rinehart and Taylor Barkley is the best thing I've seen so far: https://nowandnext.substack.com/p/thoughts-on-cdc-yrbs-data
Not to be a downer, but it seems like culturally we have developed a blasé attitude toward suicide in general. It is more common in western countries to allow Dr assisted suicide for any reason, like depression.
We just shrug and say, it’s their choice 🤷♀️.
It’s really sad.
I first noticed this when I read an article about a woman who was concerned about who would care for her as she aged. She was in her late 60s had never partnered or raised children. And the top comment was “don’t forget you have assisted suicide where you live”
Here's the thing -- your graphs end at age 64 above -- it actually keeps climbing with increasing age. People don't care, as it's not a top cause of death for old men (so many more things kill you at that age... and why not just die already?) -- well, I care.
Who am I? A life actuary who hates death. But I love keeping track of death stats. And I often post on these things.
This bias is just everpresent. And I'm pretty sure it's mostly deliberate. Most of the people just don't care.
Zvi nicely commented on this here: https://thezvi.substack.com/p/the-kids-are-not-okay
> Washington Post reports, in an exercise in bounded distrust:
> > Nearly 1 in 3 high school girls reported in 2021 that they seriously considered suicide — up nearly 60 percent from a decade ago — according to new findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Almost 15 percent of teen girls said they were forced to have sex, an increase of 27 percent over two years and the first increase since the CDC began tracking it.
> > …
> > Thirteen percent [of girls] had attempted suicide during the past year, compared to 7 percent of boys.
> One child in ten attempted suicide this past year, and it is steadily increasing? Yikes.
> There is a big gender gap here, but as many of you already suspect because the pattern is not new, it is not what you would think from the above.
> > In the U.S, male adolescents die by suicide at a rate five times greater than that of female adolescents, although suicide attempts by females are three times as frequent as those by males. A possible reason for this is the method of attempted suicide for males is typically that of firearm use, with a 78–90% chance of fatality. Females are more likely to try a different method, such as ingesting poison. Females have more parasuicides. This includes using different methods, such as drug overdose, which are usually less effective.
> I am going to go ahead and say that if males die five times as often from suicide, that seems more important than the number of attempts. **It is kind of stunning, or at least it should be, to have five boys die for every girl that dies, and for newspapers and experts to make it sound like girls have it worse here**. Very big ‘women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat’ (actual 1998 quote from Hillary Clinton) energy.
For many decades now, my whole life really, I've heard people in the know say variations on "women attempt suicide, men commit suicide." It was ever thus. But the more recent numbers aren't merely shocking. They are horrifying.
Thank you Richard. I love the work that you’re doing, and your courage in writing and speaking
And...I have to admit I cringe a bit when I read “being male is the biggest risk factor of all,” instead of, perhaps, something like “being male is the strongest correlation of all.”
Is the root cause literally being male, being male in our current society, or... living the life of a male person? Subtle and hard to pick apart, but important distinctions, I think.
Do you know if there’s much research on the disparity in method of suicide for young men and young women? There’s a lot more chance to reconsider a medication suicide than a gunshot one, and young men (I predict) have greater access to guns. They definitely are at much higher risk of being the perpetrator or the victim of a gun homicide in their late teens/early twenties. I would predict there was still an underlying disparity in attempts, but I expect part of the disparity in deaths is method driven.
I’ve heard, but haven’t see the research, that there’s something to your question, and the reason the male suicide rate is so much higher is not because boys are attempting suicide more than girls (apparently they’re not), they’re just more “successful” at it because they use far more violent methods (guns or hanging themselves vs. attempted overdose).
Whatever the case, it’s all heartbreaking.
In Poland the disparity is even higher, and we barely have any privately owned guns.
See: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/Male-Female-Ratio-of-Suicide-Rates?tab=chart&country=~POL
As of 2017, the ratio of M:F suicide was 7.4:1. In 2022, it was similar. A bit challenging to find the data, because here it's also ignored. First potential source I found: https://notesfrompoland.com/2022/10/27/record-number-of-suicide-attempts-among-children-and-adolescents-in-poland-this-year/
Contains this crap: "Suicide attempts were most common among girls between the ages of 13 and 18. In this age bracket, in the first nine months of 2022, as many as 1,137 girls tried to end their lives. Among children aged between seven and 12, there were 54 suicide attempts but none resulted in death.".
Doesn't indicate in any way that men kill themselves way more often.
I found the data here: https://demagog.org.pl/analizy_i_raporty/samobojstwa-w-2022-roku-przedstawiamy-dane-policji/
Translated excerpt:
> Women are increasingly taking their own lives
> An increase in suicides was also observed among women. In 2020, 778 women took their own lives, in 2021 - 787, while in 2022 - as many as 847 women. Compared to 2021, this is an increase of more than 7 percent.
> As in previous years, suicides primarily affect men. Of the 5,018 suicides in 2022 - 4,261 are men. However, one can speak of a slight decrease, as 4,413 men committed suicide in 2021 and 4,386 in 2020.
Still prioritizes women, but at least it mentions men at all. So, 85% of actual (not "attempted") suicides are done by men.